Wednesday, 20 January 2010

FIxing a date

Have now confirmed a date in March to come back to Alston and have another good look around. We will be viewing some houses and bringing the children to visit the school. Hopefully we will have our house on the market by then if we ever get a response from the builders who came out to give us quotes! I don't understand how these things can take so long - I thought we were in a recession!
Told Mum of our plans today and she was a little upset but on the whole very supportive which was nice. I expected her to go all quiet and sulky but she was very good and I am relieved.
Thought I might finish my scarf today but have measured it and I need to add at least another 3 balls of wall to it to make it long enough. Have luckily found a website that can supply it, so I should have it finished soon, at least in time for next winter!!!

Tuesday, 19 January 2010


Have managed to add a photograph to the title bar. It is a lovely one taken over Christmas and New Year looking down towards the river from the Leadgate road. It was so beautiful and white everywhere, and oh so peaceful. It seems ages ago now but I am busy trying to organise another trip back to Alston to look at houses and to show the children the school. They are used to being in a small village school so it will not be such a shock for them. Good news from the estate agent today regarding valuations so just have to keep pushing forward and get the deed done. Planning to be on the market for early March so fingers crossed.
Have nearly finished my lovely cable patterned scarf. I am very proud of it as I haven't knitted anything since the children were really small and I made the pattern up myself. Will post a pic when I am done.

Monday, 18 January 2010


In the quest to learn something new every day, today's lesson has been uploading a photo onto a blog! This is Alfies' very stylish stripy car that he made from an Airfix kit that he got for Christmas. He had lots of fun making it and is justly proud.
Elsewhere in the family, Mark has been ill, Daisy has a high temperature and I have pluerisy again. Oh what fun. I just hope the boys stay well.
Had more builders round to arrange a quote for the work that needs to be done before we can sell. Every day is just a little step closer. We have another estate agent coming round tomorrow too. Trying really hard to be sensible and get at least two opinions or quotes on everything we are doing. Just waiting for the bed we put on Freecycle to be collected! We are s l o w l y getting sorted out!

Sunday, 17 January 2010

Lazy Sunday?!

Well, it was meant to be a lazyish Sunday....I had planned to sort Alfies' room out and lose one of the beds from the bunk bed set but that was all. In the end, we have sorted Alfie's room, Daisy's room, our room AND the bathroom! Can't believe we managed to do so much as Mark is feeling really under the weather and was not in the mood to have a major clear out. I keep thinking that if we can achieve something in the house every day, it will make moving to Alston one step closer.
Have written to all the local schools and nurseries in the town to see if they will support a combined Mufti day in aid of the Haiti appeal. I really hope they all do as it will be a nice gift from the town if all the schools are involved. Even if only a little money is raised - it will help a lot of people.
Was going to try and add a photo today. Mark has been making Airfix models with the boys that they got from their Aunts for Christmas. Alfies' is finished and he took a great photo of it. Will have a go at adding it later as he will be thrilled to see his car on here!

Saturday, 16 January 2010

A New Year

Well, I have finally done it! I have been thinking of writing a blog for ages but never actually gotten around to it. This year I have decided to stop procrastinating and start DOING! I have taken inspiration from another couple of blogs, and once I figure out how to add a link to them, I will do so.Every New Year I think....'this will be a good year'.... and it never is. I have decided that the only way to make it a good year is to initiate the changes ourselves. And we have started. Boy, we have really started! After spending yet another wonderful holiday in Cumbria over Christmas and New Year, we have finally made the decision to pack up our current life and move, lock, stock and chickens to Alston. Or, to be more realistic, to as near to Alston as we can afford. So, exciting and no doubt trying times lay in store over the coming months but I am relieved that we have finally made the decision to move. Will try and add a little each day but need to have a play around and figure out how to add links and photos etc.