Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Hidden treasures...

Settling in nicely and enjoying the beautiful weather that we have had for the last couple of days. Not sure it will last though... Anyhow, we have been busy. Or, more correctly, Mark has been busy. The orange coloured pine downstairs bathroom just had to go..

I'm sure it was a marvel to look at in the early seventies.....However, on removal of the pine we found..... the most amazing discovery.....a stone fire dating back to around the early 1700's, complete with an oak surround that dates a little later. There are also two cupboards to the right of the fire. I was so thrilled when we uncovered them. I can't believe that they were simply boxed in but then I am truly grateful that they hadn't just been ripped out... Will post up a photo of our hidden treasure next time. I wonder what else we will find in this amazing old house??

Monday, 16 August 2010

At last....

Well, it's August and....... we are finally here! Moved in just over a week ago and have managed to unpack most of the boxes. Well....almost!

The children have settled in really well and are spending most of their time down on the playing field. They have been to their new school for a play scheme and enjoyed themselves.

Happy to be showing Aunties E & H their new school!

It's time to start enjoying our new home now and getting to know our new town. It is so beautiful here, I never tire of looking at the amazing scenery. There is so much to do in the house but I think that is part of the fun. Taking our time and making plans.... Will post up some photos when I get chance, if I can remember where I put the camera once I unpacked it!!