Sunday, 30 December 2012

Where did that year just go?

Seriously! The year seems to have flown by. Even my youngest commented about it today and it has got me thinking.  What were the good bits, the bad bits, the interesting bits and the sad bits? It's hard to start for fear of missing something important out.

Good bits - 

Definitely that we are all in good health! Despite a bit of a blip on the old depression front triggered by some counselling, we have all remained in remarkably good health.

Watching with the children as my wonderful husband graduated. And we get to do it all again next year!

Fantastic trip to Europe in the summer. Some wonderful memories made and now some two thousand odd photographs to sort. I can feel a 'snowed in' project coming on!

Alfie  moving up to senior school and loving it. I'm so proud.

Good times with wonderful friends.

Being able to spend so much time with the wonderful Amy. Embrace your crazy. You know who you are. X

Giving a new home to a wonderful rescue fox terrier called Lottie. She has made our home complete again.


Bad bits -

Mum being diagnosed with mouth and throat cancer. Major surgery to remove cancer and reconstruct face. Amazing care by all involved but sadly appears to have returned. A bumpy ride ahead.

Interesting bits-

Learning to felt and actually making two hats. It was wonderful to learn a new skill and I have even managed to make some other little bits and pieces.

Learning to knit socks.

Becoming a School Governor. So much to learn. Who knew?

Sad bits - 

Seeing friends affected by the loss of loved ones and knowing here is nothing that can be said or done to change things.

I don't really go in for New Year resolutions so won't be making any. Will be making more of an effort to be productive with my time though. Planning on finishing several projects before any new ones are started.

Aims for the coming year - 

 To finish all projects that are outstanding.

To finally have a new bathroom fitted.

To pave the area in front of the house.

To read more.

To try and learn how to meditate.

To take every opportunity to enjoy life.

Happy New Year to everyone.