Monday, 1 March 2010

Sockets, Ironing and Chocolate Cake....

Have spent the last few days sorting out various bits and pieces in the house and garden that needed finishing off - sockets with paint on, ironing, windows that won't open....the list goes on. We did quite a bit in the garden near to the house and it looks really nice now. I will take some photos tomorrow depending on the weather.

Mark and Daisy made this delicious chocolate cake for tea on Sunday. They both had a great time making it and James & I had a great time eating it!

Alfie wasn't too thrilled that they had made a cake that he couldn't eat but he did get to enjoy the icing....

Add to my list of things to do -  more washing...!

 I mentioned in an earlier post about getting the local schools to do a combined fund raising event in aid of the Haiti earthquake appeal. The final total will be above the £6000 mark and I am really thrilled. It is a huge sum for a small town and I'm sure that every penny will be gratefully received.

Have got lots of organizing to do in readiness for a small art exhibition next Saturday. I run a small art group once a month for children aged 5-11 and they have created some wonderful things with the guidance of one of the local art teachers. Hopefully we will have lots of friends and family turn up to see the work that the children have created. It is so important for the children to see their work properly displayed and to be able to show it off. I have lots of pictures to sort out and cakes to bake!


  1. Cake looks good and well done on the fundraising.

    Was away this weekend and arrived back on Sunday to a couple of inches of snow. Crossing Alston Moor was interesting!

  2. ....and another couple of inches last night! Thought we had seen the last of it.
