Tuesday, 29 June 2010

So much to do, so little time...

Things have been a bit hectic of late. We have bumbled along achieving nothing except a nice weekend camping on Shell Island and then for the last two weeks or so, things have started moving! We still haven't managed to sell the house but the long awaited planning permission is through with a couple of issues to be dealt with. Fingers crossed, the sale of the land will go through in the next couple of weeks and we can then complete on the Alston house! I am soooo excited. We have decided to try and let the house for 12 months and see if it will be easier to sell once the land has been divided and the new house built. 

We have been busy sorting and packing. Its amazing how much stuff we have accumulated over the last 10 years. We have freecycled and charity shopped so many items but I feel like we still need to cut back on what we are taking.

This is a picture of the new house! The 'Sold' sign has gone up and I am assured that the roses are growing nicely in the front. I can't believe that we just have around 5 more weeks until we move. Until then, there is an endless arrangement of 21st & 40th birthday parties as well as a visit from some friends of ours from Chicago and of course, an Open House  day to be able to say goodbye to all our lovely friends!


  1. Lovely house! Congratulations. I know whats its all like as I have just set about selling my house (or at least trying to) after renting it out for 2 years. Not long now, its so beautiful here at the moment. I hope the weather stays good for a while yet so you can experience it before the snow comes back!

  2. Thank you! I am so excited about the move that my head is spinning! Just out of curiosity, did you use an agent to let your property? We just don't know what to do for the best. I think that the North Pennines are beautiful whatever the weather :) Hope your trip to London went well, I was there myself last week. The weather was beautiful.
